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Blockchains for Supply Chains Workshop (23rd October.2022)

Blockchain Driven Supply Chains and Enterprise  Information Systems Springer Book

This book provides several international case studies across different domains such as healthcare, agri-food, logistics and transportation. Those case studies are mainly related to the implementation of blockchain platforms on modern systems and the integration of such technology with existing traditional systems. The book highlights as well subjects and concerns such as efficiency of blockchain-based supply chains, Blockchain consensus protocols and mechanisms, and Blockchain based Enterprise Information Systems. It concludes with some directions and recommendations with regards to the adoption of standardized blockchain frameworks. The editors’ and authors’ expertise across different contexts and countries has made this book a worthy contribution to both theory and practice. Through its solutions and best practices, this book constitutes an interesting source for practitioners and students interested in the domain of blockchain for supply chains management and enterprise information systems.

Disruptive Technology Applications Workshop (22nd Nov.2021)

Industrial Panel Discussion

Project Presentation to French delegates at iLab/TASMU Smart Qatar ( 4th Nov.2021)

An Overview about the SupplyLedger project and other NPRPs projects presented by Prof. Abdelaziz Bouras to the French tech startups during their visit as part of The French Tech Tour Middle East in Qatar.

Tahani Abu Musa, a PhD student of the project, received  the IFIP WG5.1 award of the best doctoral proposal during the PLM 2021 conference

Tahani H. Abu Musa, a PhD student of CSE department supervised by Prof. Abdelaziz Bouras has received the “IFIP WG5.1 award of the Best Doctoral Proposal” during the IFIP 18th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management held on 11-14 July 2021, Curitiba, Brazil.

Project Presentation in the Ministry of Transportation and Communication (8th Jul.2021)

Supply Ledger project Outlines were presented at ministry level in iLab/TASMU Smart Qatar.

Fintech’21 Research Outcome Seminar (1st Apr.2021)



Qatar Entrepreneurship Conference (11th Nov.2020)

1st Project meeting in Melbourne, Australia (26th Dec.2019)

The first Supply Ledger project meeting was held at RMIT in Melbourne, Australia between Dr. Abdelaziz Bouras and Dr. Ibrahim Khalil.